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Moments ago I posted about strokes that could worsen or become deadly due to the cooler weather on the horizon... Many of you do not know that I am now a distributor of CBD oil.  The information below is taken from a site on the internet.  I am not posting these things because I am trying to make a sale, tho that is always a plus...CBD oil is the wave of the future and the future starts now.  Literally everyone in my family uses this product because it helps with so many different health issues.   It is being used to treat cancer, diabetes, parkinsons disease, pain (chronic and otherwise), the list is literally endless...The main thing that has hit the news is that there is a huge awareness of opiate drug abuse in this country.  CBD oil is helping to do away with that problem...I can attest to that and give my own testimonial...I was put on opiate drugs at the young age of 12.  I even took myself off them once, and did pretty well till other health...

Happy New Year, Readers!

Hello dear readers!  I hope you all had a lovely Christmas/Channukah/Kwanzaa and New Year!

Kind of mellow around here...we were still living out of boxes, being as we had just moved (still moving, but just emptying out our storage unit).  I still made our awesome holiday dinners...lots of great food.  I had the chance to try some fabulous new recipes, which I will share with you here very soon.

I have lots of new reviews to share with you, recipes, businesses, etc.  Been very busy trying to open myself up to businesses, offering them a little free advertising here on my blog, both in the way of blog reviews AND if the business or product is great enough, I will put a "button" here on my blog so that a reader can click on the button and it will take them directly to the company/product's website!

I want to be helpful to all of you, by telling you how good or bad something is...I would hate you to waste your hard earned money on something that may be garbage.  I am not just going to do local businesses and such, I will make sure that I review products/services/businesses from around the country and around the world when possible!

If there is something you would like to see me write about, here on my blog, please feel free to drop me a line, privately either here or in my email:  I look forward to hearing from you!

I will be doing at least two blog reviews here today and keep your eyes open, I will be starting to blog far more frequently than I have in the past (new years resolution of sorts), now that everyone's health has improved, and hubby is back to school again, lol.

Write/talk to you soon!



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