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Moments ago I posted about strokes that could worsen or become deadly due to the cooler weather on the horizon... Many of you do not know that I am now a distributor of CBD oil.  The information below is taken from a site on the internet.  I am not posting these things because I am trying to make a sale, tho that is always a plus...CBD oil is the wave of the future and the future starts now.  Literally everyone in my family uses this product because it helps with so many different health issues.   It is being used to treat cancer, diabetes, parkinsons disease, pain (chronic and otherwise), the list is literally endless...The main thing that has hit the news is that there is a huge awareness of opiate drug abuse in this country.  CBD oil is helping to do away with that problem...I can attest to that and give my own testimonial...I was put on opiate drugs at the young age of 12.  I even took myself off them once, and did pretty well till other health...

adios balloons, hello new product review

Yesterday was the final day of balloon fiesta. It is going to be sad not seeing the skies flooded with balloons...almost like the nighttime skies are filled with stars, thats what it is like looking at the morning skies dotted with balloons.  Every shape and style and size imaginable.  If you have never  seen it before, you need to check out ...if it isnt on your bucket list yet, it is definitely something you need to add.

Here is a new product that is worth more than a second glance...when you next go shopping, and you are walking down the pasta aisle, check out a little blue bag on the shelf, put out by Cora Bella, this little package packs a wallop!  Mini Mezzaluna 4 cheese Ravioli.  They are dried tiny ravioli, that you put in water to rehydrate.  In ten to fifteen minutes, you have a fantastic main course for dinner.  Just add your own sauce and some grated parmesan cheese and serve it up.  Great for nights you want a quick meal or when you are just too tired to prepare a big meal.  The price is right also, it is only about $2.50 per bag. You seriously cant go wrong with this one!  Great for serving one or two people. I bought two bags and it quite handily served 4 people. 

Let's just say I cant wait to get back to the store to stock up on this product.  Sure beats having to make room for big cans of ravioli that barely feeds my family and take up so much cabinet space!
Definitely 4 out of 5 stars for me!!


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