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Moments ago I posted about strokes that could worsen or become deadly due to the cooler weather on the horizon... Many of you do not know that I am now a distributor of CBD oil.  The information below is taken from a site on the internet.  I am not posting these things because I am trying to make a sale, tho that is always a plus...CBD oil is the wave of the future and the future starts now.  Literally everyone in my family uses this product because it helps with so many different health issues.   It is being used to treat cancer, diabetes, parkinsons disease, pain (chronic and otherwise), the list is literally endless...The main thing that has hit the news is that there is a huge awareness of opiate drug abuse in this country.  CBD oil is helping to do away with that problem...I can attest to that and give my own testimonial...I was put on opiate drugs at the young age of 12.  I even took myself off them once, and did pretty well till other health...

another day

Please bear with me my dear friends and followers, one more day I beg from you as today is not a good day.  Yesterday I went to the rheumatologist for the first time to see if there was anything that they could do to treat the rest of my problems that are unassociated with my spinal reconstruction.  Well everyone and their dogs has been telling me what is wrong now is mainly RA..(rheumatoid arthritis, for those of you who may not know what RA is).  Anyway, I got bad vibes the minute the dr set foot into the door of the tiny exam room.  She blatantly told me I couldnt possibly have RA in my spine because it was impossible for there to be ra in my spine...RA just does not hit the spine, which i knew was BS from the start because i know people who do have it and i know that my former doctors, the people that were in imaging for my two MRI's, and even my surgeon and his staff all told me i have RA in my spine...i just wanted to walk out at that point, i kept arguing with her i felt my blood pressure rising and my blood boiling at that point and anyone that knows me, knows you dont call me a liar or tell me i dont know what i am talking about, i have spent my life studying this stuff and suffering from it.  So she is ordering a whole gamut of tests from bone density to every form of arthritis known to mankind and even running possible tests for fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue....something my present dr said that there was no way of testing for, well after having 8 full blown full size vial of blood drawn yesterday, they better find something.   and as much as i dont want to say it this way, i hope they find my spine is riddled with ra just so i can shove the results in her face....i just want to lead a nomal life, or at least a life where i can function, not in pain 24/7 to the point of being flat on my back which is where i basically am today...but i am forcing myself to get up and do housework since i have been so busy this week i havent been able to get much housework done. 
Tuesday was pictureday at school so i agreed to help volunteer with that, which ended up being pretty good, i didnt hurt too much which was amazing since i was on my feet from 830am till about 1pm...

Monday i was busy moving furniture around in our bedroom and putting things away and going thru old clothes and things, and getting jrs side of the room decorated and organized.   yes i said organized, because that was my only resolution was to get this house completely organized ....and no matter how i feel by god i am going to get it done even if it kills me.  and I havent given up that resolution is slow going but i am getting it done.. 

yesterday was supposed to be out transportation task force meeting but the dr took too long with all the tests, hubby's xrays and all, we just blew it off, went over and had dinner together and then went home, hubby and i were just not feeling real well by the time the dr was done and his xrays were done...he could baely walk because of the positions they had to put him in for the xrays (i totally understand because i have been thru it)...and this rheumatologist must think shes using me as a practice dummy to become a chiropractor the way she was moving me around, so i could barely move by the time she was done....

today im down for the count...yes she gave me new medication, which about kicked my ass last night, but thats ok, as long as it gets working in my system and starts taking down the symptoms of whatever is wrong with me.  tho it kind of made me moody today and a little depressed...and jr didnt help matters. today is his field trip and he begged me last night to wake him up early, well i let him sleep to his normal time and then tried to wake him and get him going and he just did nothing but cop an attitude with me, which set me off to no ends....i ended up falling asleep on the sofa before he and daddy went to school, and woke up shortly after they left, i feel bad because not a day goes by that i dont say goodbye and i love you to them it had me a little moody and depressed at that thought...but im trying to work thru it...i have a meeting at the school today regarding the problems we have been having with jr and his melt downs ....hes getting better but we want to make sure that we keep the melt downs under control...and find tactics to deal with them if we see them starting..   you just would not even recognize jr if you saw how he acts during one of these meltdowns.  i know part of the problems but i really want to get him into a psychologist to find out the underlying problems that he cant bring out on his own...

well after all this has been said and done, i have a bit of good news, well good news for me at least....i am going back to volunteering on campus at the school in the classrooms and in the cafeteria....i realized on tuesday how much everyone missed me, appreciated me and wanted me back...they were all so concerned about me, it kinda made me teary eyed to know that i made such a difference in some people's i am going not going to work for sodexo as an employee, but i will go back to help them out because they are my friends and i know they need me, because the crew they have now, are mainly subs and are useless they have no knowledge of how to prepare foods properly or clean up properly, etc...and when i talked to my old boss, she embraced the idea of me coming back as long as i protected my back and let the rest of them do the hard  stuff, i could do the thing i love most, food prep, serving and salad bar...which is cool with me, and beyond that, i can help be secretary in the office, and i can help be a teachers assistant in different classrooms...i already do homework packets,, and grade papers from home so why not?  it will get me out of the house and away from my mother who is about to drive me insane.

oh well...i will be putting some product reviews up and some recipes that have been tried and also some that have been requested...but i will do that sometime this weekend most likely, when things start to settle down...

have you signed up to follow me here yet?  give me suggestions?  ideas?  are you looking for recipes ? just let me know what you want to see and we will see what we can do....

love you all and will talk atcha again soon....god speed and god bless


  1. I've started taking Krill Oil Capsules for my overall health after hearing how it has helped a good friend. I wrote about this over at AJville in an entry called Something Fishy--In A Good Way, That Is...

    After being on it for only three days, I already notice some improvements in my overall health, including some of my arthritis.

    Go over to read what I wrote about it, which includes, among other things, a link to Google information about Krill Oil and a link to the site where I've ended up buying my own.

    Hope it helps.

    Don't you just hate it when people who don't have what's wrong with you wrong with them try to tell you that it's all in your head or something like that!?! GRRRRRRRR...


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